March at the farm
It is March and you might be wondering what our farmer, John Krueger, and his team at Circle Brook Farm are doing? Here is how John describes what is generally happening on the farm in spring:
“We have been busy in the greenhouse since at least early March, we started a few things in early February in a little greenhouse that I built on my back porch, which is easier to keep heated, but basically, March is a big greenhouse month. We have been planting all of our tomatoes and peppers and eggplants as well as transplant stock for cool weather crops like broccoli and cabbage, cauliflower, we have lots of onions that we have been growing. Typically, in early April, depending on what the weather is going to allow, we start planting the first crops out in the field. The earliest crops that go in are peas, parsnips, spinach - very soon we will be planting potatoes, and then we will also be starting to transplant our onions out int the fields as well. After that we start doing more direct seeded crops like carrots and beets and usually in early May we are able to start transplanting more of the warm weather crops like tomatoes and eggplant. So that is basically what the spring looks like.”
John Krueger in interview with Melissa Goldberg in an Eat Well Travel Often podcast. Find the original Eat Well Travel Often post with more info and links here.
Circle Brook Farm, Andover NJ - Greenhouses