Thank you for registering.
The next step to complete the sign-up is for the farmer to receive payment and sent the receipt to CSA Newark. For the payment part, you have two options, Venmo or a personal check:
If you choose to pay via Venmo, here is how:
Please pay John Krueger (our Farmer and owner of Circle Brook Farm) directly. His Venmo is:
John-Krueger-19 last four of his phone are 6935.
After the payment went through, please take a screenshot of the payment and send it to Evelyn. Either via email (eve at csanewark dot com) or text to her mobile at: 646 251 5839.If you choose to pay via a personal check, here is how:
Please make the check out to: Circle Brook Farm and mail it to:
CSA Newark
c/o Evelyn Kalka
61 New Jersey Railroad Ave. Apt. 13
Newark NJ 07105
And let Evelyn know via email (eve at csanewark dot com) that you placed the check in the mail - you will receive a confirmation email when it arrived.
We will be in touch via email on details for the site fee and to confirm membership, and we will email again with details on pick-ups, optional farm visits and more early in June. If you have questions in the meantime, please reach out via the email or phone number listed above.
Thank you and welcome to a season of organic, local vegetables,
Evelyn + Alyssa + Cynthia