2024 Recipe Sharing Platform Survey

Please Let us Know your Thoughts

Recipe Sharing: Yes? No? Maybe? And If So: How?

Dear 2024 CSA Newark members: lat year, we used BublUp to post and share recipes, pictures of the shares and other tips related to veggies. BublUp was free, it was easy to create post, it was pretty to look at and people were able to comment, like etc…

Seemed great.

But really, very few people posted. Did some more use it passively and look at the posts? We have no idea.

This year, BublUp is no longer free, so we are scratching that option.

Please fill out the squick survey below, so we understand better what members of 2024 CSA Newark are interested in - or not. And maybe you have a great suggestion for us as to what platform to use for a CSA Newark recipe and ideas exchange amongst members. Yes, understanding what you are into is super helpful - so thank you, for your comments and ideas.