Meanwhile at the farm: Garlic!
Circle Brook Farm Garlic crop, April 14, 2021
John sent an image of the garlic shoots at Circle Brook Farm today - and it makes me yearn for the first pickup which is about eight weeks away. Later in the season there will be garlic bulbs, of course, but early on we will typically receive garlic shoots as part of the share - which i fell in love withe the first year as a CSA member. I am planning to make a whole post about them this year, so you have plenty of ideas of what to do with them. Trust me- they are amazing!
But let’s get back to the hear and now: it is April 15, which means tomorrow the last day to sign up for the 2021 season with the early-bird discount: $25 off the Full (PREMIUM) share or the 3/4 (BASIC) share; $20 off the 1/2 (MEDIUM) share. Make your move to join us for the 2021 season, become a CSA Newark member: you support Circle Brook Farm directly, and pick-up will be in Newark’s Ironbound. Join Newark’s Freshest for 2021!