Have you seen the new Newarker yet?

The Newarker just released its second issue on Thursday, and contains an article on CSA’s. It describes what makes a real CSA, touches lightly on influences for the movement, and describes how the CSA concept goes smartly around today’s dominant corporate, industrial food production/distribution system — how CSA’s let the small people win for a change (consumers and farmers).

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But The Newarker is very much worth a read, so do not head over for the CSA article alone: the new quarterly journal is chuck full with information and essays about people and issues in and around Newark, plus history, musings and poetry. Trust me: it is not to be missed! Informative and entertaining, centered on the city we know and love. The Newarker, founded in 2020 released its first issue January 1st, 2021 and so far, they set the bar very high. And I trust they’ll keep it up - there is a lot of talent on the editorial board. Thank you to The Newarker for enriching this city and putting a spotlight on some of the amazing things going on here. And thank you also for including an article on a little rebel food system in the second quarter issue!

Find The Newarker here.
Find the CSA related article in the second issue of The Newarker here.


Meanwhile at the Farm: From the Greenhouse to the Field


March at the farm