10 years!

This year, we are celebrating our 10year anniversary; last week, we launched our new website; a few days ago, we finally started an Instagram feed, and while we have a new website, we might as well start a new blog. So here we go:

If you are just joining us: Welcome!

CSA Newark_Logo_round_beet_green-01.png

And it all got started because in 2008 and 2009 and 2010, my friend Alison had amazing veggies from Farmer John - and I did not. The things she made with it! We lived in the same building here in Newark. But her husband drove to Montclair once a week to pick up their veggie share. That was not an option for me. And should a CSA not be in your neighborhood? Is that not the point? For the 2011 season Alison and I got organized to organize, because, if you really want an amazing CSA in your neighborhood, but there is none - clearly, you need to create one yourself. And that is what we did.

Alison has since moved on and further west, but I am still organizing this drop-off spot for Farmer John and Circle Brook Farm. Over the years, I had a lot of help, from other co-coordinators, set-up coordinators and general members that stepped up the the plate when things needed to get done. I am so grateful to all of you, but I would like to particularly thank here: Alison S., Zach G., Stephanie G., Kate C., Ada C. and Cailean K. - you are all rockstars!

I also would like to thank everyone at the Button Factory - our gracious and gorgeous host site - for the support and tolerance over the decade. Thank you.

Your CSA Newark coordinator, Evelyn


Spring has sprung